Meta-Lucid Strapline

What is META-Sense?

Leadership in a complex world

META-Sense is an  assessment tool designed to help people in leadership and management positions develop their capabilities and become more effective in a complex business and organisational environment. Where complexity is very different to complicated.

Organisations need to be able to thrive in complex environments and that requires people in leadership positions to be able to engage the workforce in a way that has is different to the past of management by rote. The skills required for this new discipline are often what are called “soft” or "human" skills, and are more effectively acquired through the Knowing, Doing, Being® methodology, developed by Meta-LUCID.

Real Time (Immediate, Informed) Feedback

META-Sense will provide valuable feedback and context in your leadership development activities.  Whether you need to gain a baseline to existing behaviours or to map and track progress of an individual’s development in the workplace, this tool provides a key resource to the measurement strategy of any development engagement.  It provides real time data about the impact your leadership is having on others.

 Nominated respondents will describe:

  • a situation that showed leadership in action
  • the behaviours exhibited
  • what was the impact on both the respondent and the situation

Multiple respondents, describing multiple experiences of your leadership will provide you with a far greater degree of accuracy of your impact and outcomes.

META-Sense Leadership Practices

META-Sense asks respondents to describe an actual experience of  a leader or manager in a leadership context and then interpret the impact against a range of leadership practices and skills. For example:

  • Motivation
  • Style and approach
  • Decision making
  • Communication
  • Focus
  • Contribution
  • Coaching and development
  • Team work

META-Sense Licensed Coaches

The core purpose of  META-Sense is to track the development of effective leadership practices and behaviours through greater employee engagement, and generating higher discretionary efforts from all staff. Working with a certified Meta-LUCID coach means immediate action to increase leadership impact in line with leadership developmental and performance goals

Meta-LUCID have a specialised cadre of licensed coaches, across the globe, that have also been accredited for Growth Mindset practice along with many other relevant certifications.   

Meta-LUCID can also certify people from your organisation to act as coaches.

META-Sense Applications

META-Sense is innovative, fast and easy to use. Your respondents can complete it online or download the app onto a iOS or Android device. This enables continual inputting by respondents over a set period of time. This continuous feedback by the way of actual experiences in the workplace, with context, allows the individual to adapt their  leadership style and behaviours and do more of what is more effective and impactful.

META-Sense Services

We offer two core services:

  • META-Sense Standard Version: web-based or as an application
  • META-Sense Customised Version: bespoke to your existing leadership skills, competencies, behaviours and tools